Previous workshops & courses
Ukrainian language course
In this four-part language course, BEVOS offers a Ukrainian language course for beginners (A1 level). The course is offered for German and English speaking volunteers. The goal is to teach the first basic skills for short dialogues as well as to train intercultural competencies.
Emotional resilience and sustainability
In this introductory session, we will introduce methods to help you respect and keep your own boundaries and strengthen your own emotional resilience. In two sessions of 4 hours each, we will get to know ways to avoid burnout and emotional overload.
Legal rights of refugees
Our four-part seminar series will provide a thematic introduction to European law and asylum law, highlight the situation for refugees at Europe’s external borders, and address the rights, obligations, and benefits of people whose asylum cases in Germany are either recognized or rejected. This workshop is offered in German only.
Training psychosocial support
More than half of the refugee children who arrive in Germany are suffering from psychological stress. This two-day training in cooperation with Save the Children e.V. offers an introduction to psychosocial support, as well as concrete recommendations for action and assistance in working with children who have fled.
Strengthen diversity-competence
This training will focus on the one hand on basic knowledge about antiziganism and on the other hand on its role in the daily work of volunteers in the field of refugee assistance. This workshop is offered in German only.
Supporting trans*, inter* and non-binary refugees
We offered an introductory workshop about supporting trans*, inter* and non-binary (TIN) refugees in cooperation with TrIQ e.V.
Psychological trauma and trauma sensitivity workshop
We offered an introductory workshop about the challenges of interacting with people who have had traumatic experiences. Participants learned more about psychological trauma and trauma-sensitive approaches
Ein Sprachcafé – Wie setze ich das um?
deutschsprachiger Workshop am 18.03.2023 von 10:00 bis 13:00 Uhr
Ein Sprachcafé ist ein sozialer Raum und ein Ort der Zusammenkunft und Begegnung. In diesem Workshop haben wir uns Methoden zur erfolgreicheren Umsetzung von Sprachcafés näher angeschaut.
Beratung aber wie?
deutschsprachiger Workshop am 02.04.2023 von 14:00 bis 16:30 Uhr
Was frage ich ab, wie kann ich helfen, ab wann muss ich zu anderen Fachleuten verweisen? Zu diesen Fragen hat Anne-Marie Braun vom Infopoint von Schöneberg-hilft e.V. einen umfangreichen Überblick gegeben.
Funding grassroot projects
English workshop on May 3 from 6 to 9 PM at Thinkfarm Berlin
Are you in a grassroot organization? Have you come up with a promising project idea, but don’t know how to cover the costs? Are you volunteering in a project and need some extra funding? Do you want to make a living from your volunteering efforts?
Funding grassroot projects
English workshop on May 3 from 6 to 9 PM at Thinkfarm Berlin
Are you in a grassroot organization? Have you come up with a promising project idea, but don’t know how to cover the costs? Are you volunteering in a project and need some extra funding? Do you want to make a living from your volunteering efforts?
Previous events
Appreciation of the Südkreuz volunteers
BEVOS Kick-Off Party
Thank you very much for participating in our kick-off event on 17.22.22 at Betahaus. It was great to get to know our diverse network of volunteers, organizations, projects, and anyone interested in volunteering with refugees better.
BAS New Year's Party: Thank you Central Station!
14.01.23 – 8 PM at Kulturfabrik Moabit
After nine months of tireless work at the main station, it was time to celebrate the BAS volunteers and their achievements. With empathy, patience and also a little persistence, they have welcomed over 350,000 refugees to Germany.
Thank you for being there from the beginning and still being there!
Community cooking with Über den Tellerrand e.V.
We had an Arabic-influenced dinner under the motto “50 dishes with nuts”. Refugees, new and old Berliners cooked together – basically everyone who wanted a delicious meal.
Volunteering in train and bus stations: Reflecting on arrival support
Seminar in English
on 17.03.2023 from 6PM – 9 PM
We invited all volunteers who helped arriving refugees at Südkreuz, Hauptbahnhof or ZOB to a reflection seminar.
Ehrenamtliches Engagement in der Geflüchtetenhilfe Berlins
am 20. April im Refugio
In unserer Veranstaltung “Ehrenamtliches Engagement in der Geflüchtetenhilfe Berlins” am 20. April im Refugio haben wir Freiwillige und Vertreter*innen verschiedener staatlicher Akteure zusammen gebracht, um in den direkten Dialog zu treten.
Finsihed projects
Refugio Café
Ukrain Dinner at Interkulturelles Haus
Theaterprojekt im Wedding
Mit Kindern (7 – 12 Jahre) haben wir das Buch “Dem Licht Folgen” gelesen und die Bewohner des Märchenwaldes auf die Bühne gebracht!